Playa del Carmen

Playa del Carmen

Playa del Carmen

Playa del Carmen
Bull sharks diving Playa del Carmen
Scuba Planet Mexico offers an unforgettable and unique experience on our Shark Observation Dive!
This is the extreme scuba diving experience, for certified divers, who want to experience the most thrilling dive in the world.
Bull sharks are very large sharks, they are not shy and do make passes close by the divers. This is a normal behaviour for them, but if you're not ready for it, it will be an adrenaline rush.
The bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas) is a robust shark with a flat rounded snout, grey top and white bottom. The larger females can grow up to 11 ft (3.5 m) long, weight upwards of 500 pounds (230 kg) and live over 15 years. The bull sharks are a special species of shark that can actually swim in freshwater as well.
Bull sharks are one of the most feared ocean predators, even though humans are not part of their diet. Unfortunately, their bad reputation is due to the fact that most of the information found on them comes from sensationalist press. However, diving around these animals is an experience that more and more people want to share!
Playa del Carmen is among the best places in the world to dive with bull sharks, the warm water and good visibility allow us to appreciate with great satisfaction the beauty and elegance of these awesome predators in Playa del Carmen between November and March.
The bull shark (Carcharhinus Leucas) is an opportunistic species that can grow up to 4 meters in length. This means that it feeds on many types of aquatic animals, specially fish, turtles, marine mammals and even other sharks.
In November the bull sharks visit us to spend the winter here and they stay until March when they migrate north.
We suggest that divers do a local reef dive prior to this dive if they are using new or unfamiliar equipment or have not dived within the last 12 months. Group size will be limited to 6 divers per guide.
We will be diving with the bull sharks at 80 ft / 60ft (25 mt / 18 mt). This is a static dive. Is just a bull sharks diving encounter.
We do not use any type of bait or attraction on this dive, we will search for sharks in their natural environment and you will have the opportunity to take pictures and be close to the sharks.
Scuba Planet Mexico offers a dive every day for our divers to experience these majestic animals in their natural habitat.
The bull sharks diving in Playa del Carmen is an unique, unforgettable and amazing opportunity for a diver. Come and share with us, this magnificent experience! Book now your dives!